There are many ways of doing something, especially in software. Unfortunately I cannot show all of the ways of achieving the same thing, and to avoid confusion will try to stick to one method only

All of the "How To..." sections are done in "Layout&Editing" of Palette/PE Design version 5

Even if you have an earlier or later version, these "How To...." sections may assist you.

How to combine designs
Blank Panels can be a lot of fun, because you can add to it whichever theme designs you want.
Once you have opened Layout & Editing - Your screen will look like this.


First you will need to open the file that you wish to embroider first, (in this instance the Blank Side Panel)

Click On -  "File", then on "Open"

or on this icon in your toolbar

Next this following screen will appear.

Look in the folder where you have saved your designs, for the relevant file you want.

When you click on a filename , for example (CCFSLSidePanelBlank) - an image will appear on the right hand side

Then click on "open"

This design will now be "thrown" into centre of the white block( your design area) of your screen

To get the second design - I prefer to use the Import function

Click on - "File" - then on "Import" - then on "From File"

 or on this icon in your toolbar

Next this following screen will appear.

Make sure that in the "Files of Type:" box, you have selected the "PES format.

Look in the folder where you have saved your designs, for the relevant file you want.

When you click on a filename , for example (CCMouse) - an image will appear on the right hand side.

Then click on "Import"

This design will now be "thrown" into the white block( your design area) of your screen, exactly in the centre and on top of your first design

You will see that it will have a dotted box around it, with little black blocks (handles) in the corners and the sides. This means that this is the design (including all the sections that the mouse is made out of) is currently selected -

 because you may want to move the mouse design around  quite a bit,

I suggest that you Group your mouse first (Group - turns several selected objects into one object)

Click on Edit and then on Group (this just avoids the possibility that you may just move pieces of the mouse, instead of the whole mouse,  at a later stage


Once your mouse is "grouped" you can move it to wherever you want it on the FSL Blank Side Panel.

If you wanted to import another design as well, follow all the "import" steps above again. As long as your design is on top of the FSL Lace panel, everything is fine.

Your embroidery sequence will look like this

First is the FSL Panel, and then all the sections of the mouse.

If you think you may want to use this combined file again in the future then make sure you save it to your hard drive.

Click on File - then on  Save as -


Make sure to select the folder where you want to save the design to

Type a new filename in the filename box and click on Save


Then write these combined designs to your card/disc.

Click on "File", then on "write to card" - then on  "current design"

Or if you are saving to a 3.5" disc  - Click on - "File"  - then on  "save as" . Click on "A" drive for your 3.5" disc and then click on "Save"

Please let me know if you have found this page helpful.

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